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Ao Cenário do Câncer Gástrico

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CLDN18.2= Claudina 18.2; HER2= receptor 2 do fator de crescimeno epidérmico humano;MSI =instabilidade de microssatélites;PD-L1 =ligante de morte programada 1;FGFR2b =receptor 2b do fator de crescimento de fibroblastos

MAT-BR-NON-2023-00120 AGO/23

Descubra como os novos biomarcadores podem ser essenciais
no tratamento do câncer gastrico avançado:


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1.Li J, Zhang Y, Hu D, Gong T, Xu R, Gao J. Analysis of the expression and genetic alteration of CLDN18 in gastric cancer.
Aging (Albany NY) 2020;12(14):14271-84.

2.Arnold A, Daum S, von Winterfeld M, et al. Prognostic impact of Claudin 18.2 in gastric and esophageal adenocarcinomas.
Clin Transl Oncol 2020;22(12):2357-63.

3. Shitara K et al. Journal of Clinical Oncology 2023 41:16_suppl, 4035-4035.

4.Ahn S, Lee J, Hong M, et al. FGFR2 in gastric cancer: protein overexpression predicts gene amplification and high H-index
predicts poor survival. Mod Pathol 2016;29(9):1095-103.

5.Matsuoka T, Yashiro M. Biomarkers of gastric cancer: current topics and future perspective. World J Gastroenterol

6.Baudrin LG, Deleuze JF, How-Kit A. Molecular and computational methods for the detection of microsatellite instability
in cancer. Front Oncol (Epub) 12-12-2018.

7.Freeman GJ, Long AJ, Iwai Y, et al. Engagement of the PD-1 immunoinhibitory receptor by a novel B7 family member l
eads to negative regulation of lymphocyte activation. J Exp Med 2000;192(7):1027-34.